Monday, June 26, 2006
Leap of Faith
This weekend I received another response to my atheism post. I'm so intrigued by all of the responses I've received. Anyway, this one was from Tzedek (meaning righteous in Hebrew) and he asked:

"Isn't atheism a leap of faith? I could understand being agnostic. So my question is what makes believers different from non-believers if both require a leap of faith?"

It's a really interesting question and one I've never quite pondered before. I actually gave it quite a bit of thought throughout the weekend. Here's what I came up with...

All any of us have to go on is what was written and our experience of what we see in the world today. We all interpret the world around us based on our beliefs and our histories.

I interpret the world around me somewhat differently than someone who believes in Allah, in God, in Jesus, in the divine but ultimately, every person interprets the world differently, even two Christians of the same denomination or two Jews who attend the same shul have different relationships with God and sees God in their lives differently.

My experiences (study, personal feelings, prayer, childhood, view of nature) tells me there is no divine spirit. These experiences have led me to a place where I believe that no one is listening. But that is just my belief.

In a world where more than 90 percent (and really upwards of 95%) believe in God or a universal spirit, I think it does take something of a leap to be a non-believer though I never would have put it that way before. Thanks for the question Tzedek!


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Blogger Sachi said...

In my experience, Atheism means that you believe in the tangible; the earth, the laws of nature, things for which there is evidence. This is how I am personally. By this definition, it is not a leap of faith. Faith, as I understand it, is belief in something that exists beyond our ability to understand; the supernatural.

Fantastic question by your reader!

Cheers, hon! See you Thursday!

Blogger Faith said...

I agree Sachi. I also think that with so much emphasis on God in our world today that it could almost be considered tangible. Maybe not tangible but at least omnipresent.

Great insight Sachi!

Blogger Uccellina said...

My comment became so long I made it its own post on my blog.

Blogger MonkeyGurrrrrl said...

I have seen a leap of Faith - when she was avoiding the puddle after the last rainstorm.

Hah, hah. I crack myself up.

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