Wednesday, June 28, 2006
a little love letter
Michael - seen here on his new VTX 1300 with tons of little customization including the new lights and a curved license plate frame!!!

This is my husband - the one who stuck by me during a very long nervous breakdown (they don't call it that anymore, I know, but it sounds so much more fun than major depressive disorder).

My husband who writes me haiku about groceries. Who knows everything about Quickbooks and won't stop what he's doing until it is DONE....I mean it!

Michael, who, when I rolled a Ford Explorer in the middle of the Denali - came to Alaska to get me home. Who takes me flying down Angeles Crest Highway at amazing speeds so I feel free of my body and my myriad issues.

If you've met Michael and he seemed intimidating, it's ok, everybody thinks that, but he's not, he's a teddy bear with a squishy center who has a lot on his mind and doesn't have a lot to say about a lot of things but get him started on motorcycles and, seriously, watch out, you'll need to set aside some time.

Michael lost the love of his life, Jeff, 7 years ago this week.

I love you.

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Blogger DarcyArtsy said...

Wow, Nice bike!! Michael sounds like an amazing man who is blessed with the companionship of an amazing woman. Jeff must be smiling.

Blogger Sachi said...

Isn't it funny the things we love and will always remember about our loved ones? Tom had two packets of instant oatmeal EVERY morning; maple and brown sugar. And he liked it less soggy than most.

Michael is very lucky to have you in his life.

Blogger goodmamajama said...

You two are an amazing example of how wide-reaching and profound commitment can be between two adults.

My thoughts are with you both as you remember Jeff this week.

Blogger MonkeyGurrrrrl said...

Duuuude. I think I have a little crush on Michael! He really seems like a great guy - I agree with Sachi, he's very lucky to have you, and you him.

Blogger Laurie Ann said...

Oh, I fell for Michael at first sight. He's lucky to have you...and you're lucky to have him. I am very jealous.

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