Thursday, June 01, 2006
I heart SnB
I was wondering when I would get a negative comment. I was kind of looking forward to it. Unfortunately, “Anonymous” - if that is your real name - didn’t quite get the point of my post and therefore doesn’t really merit my first negative comment award.

Too bad. Perhaps my first, “completely missed the point of my post” award.

Ooh - my negative commenter saw fit to bitch at Annika. No effing way. No more anonymous comments. You've ruined it for everyone (mom much?). I have no problem with negative comments AT ME. I'm the one who writes this blog and I appreciate dissenting viewpoints but no one gets to take cheap shots anonymously.

Anyway, on to other issues. Hmmm, the joy of Fresca? No. How about the joy of being an original, just to hammer home the point. Boring... Sex? Drugs? Rock n' Roll? No. Not on Thursday and never at dusk.

No, today I would like to wax on about the joys of Stitch n' Bitch.

In April of 2003, I showed up at the UnUrban Cafe on Pico and 33rd. I was extremely nervous.

I thought maybe no one would like me...
Maybe I'd be the only crocheter (it turns out I was!)
They'd all laugh at me.

Damn if I didn't keep coming back and found some of the dearest people in the world. In fact, when I'm being all conceited and shit, I can actually say that I kept Stitch n' Bitch L.A. going after our original girl (OG) Vicki Howell (now host of Knitty Gritty and a very fun chick) bailed on us and moved to a far off land (Austin, TX).

Everyone I have ever talked to has felt the same way. The first meeting each one of us was scared shitless and each of us that has stayed sat down, got comfortable and found that we pretty much were all on similar wavelengths and we all had an eensy little problem with yarn.

In the last three years I have met chicks like Ellen who totally wins for most yarn EVER!

People think I have a lot of yarn. And I do. But not like Ellen (love you!).

I met Allison and Shannita, my fellow moderators and now, both are yarn store owners!!! I also met Sara and Peigi and Sara and Laurie (who received a mention in the Wall Street Journal today!) and Sarah and Lori and Darcy and Carla and Uccellina and Patrick and Jeffrey and about a billion more! Because of Stitch n' Bitch I got this blog started, I've made a billion hats and taken a couple of classes.

Today I am having a crappyish day but tonight I am going to SnB West Hollywood and I'll laugh and work on projects and forget about my crappy day. Much better than heroin any day.


Stumble It!


Blogger Uccellina said...

You are my heroin! Errr, heroine. Or maybe heroin after all. If not for you, I would never have learned the difference between China White and Mexican Tar, or the surprising statistics of IVU HIV infection in Los Angeles.

Blogger Ellen Bloom said...

Faith! Thanks for the mention! Yes, I feel the same way about SnB as you do! It's a marvelous group and I hate to miss a weekly's my form of group therapy! Thanks for waxing poetic.

Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

i'm so glad it's thursday.

Blogger Laurie Ann said...

I heart all of you.

Blogger LadyLinoleum said...

It's a love-fest all around!

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