Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Oh, Canada!
Good morning.

I will be leaving for this place at 4:15 a.m. tomorrow morning for 5 days of gorgeous Banff wilderness, fireplaces and hot drinks.

I will also be attending my first legal gay wedding because in Canada, two unrelated people of legal age can marry each other regardless of gender. Shocking, I know. It's frankly a wonder why we all don't live in Canada by now and just leave this place to the red staters - but then, there's my answer.

The fact is, in Canada there are more guns and far fewer gun-related deaths.

Marijuana decriminalization is being bantered about seriously by parliament.

Same sex marriage was legalized on July 20, 2005.

We are way behind.

Anyway, the photo above is of the Banff Springs Hotel where I will be staying. That photo was taken in the summer. Here's how it will look when I arrive and it is -8 degrees Fahrenheit. Wish me luck!


Stumble It!


Blogger Frank said...

Wow, it's absolutely gorgeous! Hope you took your wool skivvies!

The reason I personally don't mosey on over to Canada was pointed out in your post: -8 degrees! Not even my freezer likes it that cold. brrr!


Blogger Annika said...

O Canada! Where they not only let the queers get married, but they let them do it IN CASTLES.

Blogger Gwen said...

Awesome!! Have a great time!

Blogger Alicia said...

Banff is gorgeous and the one must-do thing: dogsledding. I know, I'm a mid-western girl and of course dog-sledding would be on my list - but it was the most positively breath-taking experience (and I don't mean like a punch in the stomach breath-taking) I had when I was there a few years ago. Enjoy and bliss your little self right out -

Blogger MonkeyGurrrrrl said...

Oh, my GAWD that is gorgeous. I would go there and just roam the halls (assuming its as gorgeous inside as it is outside). Have a wonderful time and bring back lots o' pix to share!

Blogger crazyauntpurl said...

your blog just ate my comment.


I love cold places. I wish I were going to Banff in minus million degrees, too! Have an amazing vacation :)

Blogger Allison said...

Have a great time! And if you or anyone you know wants to get married up in BC, Jeff's Dad is a reverend :)

Blogger Debra said...

Banff is GORGEOUS!! (was there last May). Enjoy your wedding and the glory that is that place.

Blogger MonkeyGurrrrrl said...

Hasn't it been 5 days yet?!

Blogger Susan said...

Sooooooooo beautiful! Have a wonderful time!

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