Tuesday, January 02, 2007
New year's revolution
First list of 2007, but by no means the last....

I'm a list maker. Generally they happen all year round, all week long. I have a list for everything:

--the market
--the day's activities
--protocols I need to review
--paint colors I want to look at
--new crafts I want to try
--books I've read
--books I haven't read

You get the idea.
However, I generally avoid New Year's Resolution Lists. It's all the pressure and the deadline being so far away. With my newfound health though, and in the spirit of putting less pressure on myself to be perfect and not show any blemishes all around, I am going to attempt a new year's revolution list. Here goes:

1. buy a piece of exercise equipment and use it very frequently (vague, but hey, less pressure!)

2. Think about what I am buying before I buy it. Also known as, controlling impulsive purchases.

3. Load up my iPod with a ton of fun music to dance to

3.5. Dance more

4. Get a new agent to represent my book.

5. Make myself a dress

6. Start practicing yoga

7. Buy a hybrid vehicle

8. Deal with (and possibly even change) my seriously bad body image

I think 8 is good for the time being. No need to go up to 10 (though of course I thought I should).

Hope you had a very happy new year.

(by the way, I get the internets hooked up at my home on Thursday, so I promise to be back to regular blogging after that.)


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Blogger Elizabeth McClung said...

good list - I plan on doing your Number 1 - I'm getting shoes! I like your getting a hybrid vehicle - but more important should also be to find a gas station that has hybrid pumps (we have a hydrogen fuel cell pump here in Victoria, if you want to commute).

Blogger MonkeyGurrrrrl said...

"Dance more". I love that. You can never dance enough, y'know?! Happy New Year!

Blogger WineGrrl said...

My resolution is not to make any resolutions.

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