Monday, June 11, 2007
More switching
So, my light switch post garnered some of the responses that I expected, both in comments and in personal emails.

What are the words? I want to know the words! (Give me the magic bullet!!!! NOW!!! Before I reach down your throat and rip out your lungs!) - OK - these are not direct quotes, but close enough.

The truth is, my light switch isn't going to work for you. For instance, my last light switch was the one that said, eliminate all flour and sugar from your diet and you will stop binging and thereby stop waking up every fucking morning hating yourself.

I don't recommend the flour/sugar elimination for anyone. It just happened to work for me. Maybe it won't always work for me, we'll see. This current switch will probably have little more, if any relevance to anyone else and their needs.

My light switches don't even work for my sister, who is genetically related and grew up in the same restricting, 6 oz of cereal weighing house that I did.

Ultimately, I think it takes searching. It takes reading everything you can get your hands on. It takes (for me) journaling, going to a support group, seeing a therapist and doing my assignments.

It takes work. I didn't believe it when I started this whole process, but it actually works.


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Blogger ~Molly~ said...

I hope the switch keeps working for you Faith! A few weeks ago I found one at CAPs, about there being no wagon. Really helped.


Blogger Unknown said...

if it ain't broke, don't fix it. so glad to hear you've found your survivor-ade.


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