Monday, December 05, 2005
Walmart and Jesus
Sunday I did the Ventura Holiday Street Faire. "How did it go?" you ask. Well, thanks for asking.

I came to a whole bunch of conclusions on Sunday.

First conclusion: Walmart has turned Americans into people who only want to spend $3.99. For anything. Everyone said I make really pretty stuff but...well...they really only wanted to spend $3.99 so....thanks! I really hate Walmart. Really. If you shop there, I don't want to know about it. I seriously don't care that they have stuff for a lot cheaper. They are asking us all to sell our souls for a savings of a few cents. Don't do it.

Second conclusion: No offense, but people in Ventura are weird. Miss Teen Whatever was shakin' her groove thing on a platform in a skanky ass dress at a holiday fair! The only thing missing was the pole. Seriously. There were also a lot of people wearing Renaissance Faire costumes. At a holiday street fair. Weird.

Third conclusion: Jesus is the light - or so said the staff member at the thrift store where Rabbi Brian of Religion Outside the Box went looking for lamps. Seriously. When he asked if they had lamps, the clerk told him that Jesus is the light. Out of the freakin' blue. To a rabbi. Wearing a kippah (Jewish beanie thing to all of y'all who don't know this word). Brilliant!

Fourth conclusion (and goal for the week): I need to actually carry my camera with me if I plan to post photos on my blog. Since my camera was sitting in my too small desk, I have no photos. I will however, resolve to carry my camera with me this week of new-found (dash or no dash?) freedom.

Anyway, those were just some of the many conclusions I came to on Sunday. In addition to the goal stated above, I also plan to take a few walks. Swing on a swing and meet with someone at the Small Business Administration regarding my next life.

Kisses to all y'all.


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Blogger Christie said...

Well, you know your Empire is evil when your family memebers start getting struck from the skies. I don't like Wal-Mart either and am scared that they're starting to open stores in the Motherland [China].

Blogger Ellen Bloom said...

Faith, Doll! Love that comment about JC being the light!!! I'll never go into a lampshop again without thinking about that line. Rabbi Brian sounds like one cool rabbi!

Blogger tk said...

I've never been to Ventura... and now.. I have no reason to go.. :)

Blogger WineGrrl said...

Now I know why I never go to Ventura County....

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