I am not one of those lesbians.
I am not one of those lesbians either.
I am not changing my name to Thunder Raincloud. I do not play softball. I do not play golf. I do not play tennis. I do not play pool, I am not your fresh-faced gym coach or your spiky-haired poet or your naturopathic earth mother. I have never owned Birkenstocks. I am not one of those lesbians.
I am not the most fashionable girl in the room, I am not among the entertainment industry’s elite, I will very likely never appear in the birthday party pictures in the Lesbian News, I am not a Dinah Shore regular. I will not go to a bar where the bouncer sneers at men. I am not one of those lesbians.
I am probably not going to rent a U-Haul on any date, I am almost certainly never going to read Andrea Dworkin again, I am quite sure I will never attend the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival, in fact, I am not, nor will I ever, spell women with a Y or an I. I am not vacationing in Northhampton and I am not spending my hard-earned money on Indigo Girls tapes. I am not one of those lesbians.
I am not opposed to all pornography. I have no desire whatsoever to process any issues. I have never been available to grab a cup of chai tea either before or after Starbucks found out about it. I am not excluding wheat from my diet. I am not one of those lesbians.
I am not going to stop working in the HIV industry because you think I should be focusing my energy in women’s space, I am not going to stop having primarily male friends because you call me a male coddling fembot. I am not going to throw away one false eyelash because you think I have been coerced into collaborating in my own oppression, I am not about to wear tye-dye ever again, I did it in college and only because the sixties were back. I am not going to cut my hair short in order to find a girlfriend not matter how much it might help.
I am not one of those lesbians.
Enjoy your weekend!!!