Thursday, September 14, 2006
It's a girl!!!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear whatever your name is!
Happy birthday to you!

I love you so much.
You are beautiful.
You are so special.
You are so loved.
You will never be without someone who loves you unconditionally.
Your mom and dad are awesome.
I love you.

Love always,
Auntie Faith


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Blogger goodmamajama said...

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Blogger goodmamajama said...

Congratulations Auntie Faith! How lucky you both are to know each other now for life!

She is a beautiful girl and a gift to the world. Congratulations to your whole family and here's to a new promise-filled, joy-filled generation!

Blogger Gwen said...

Hooray!!! Mazel tov!!! You are going to be the most fantastic aunt!

Blogger Susan said...

She's so teeny and so pretty! Congratulations. Your words for her are beautiful. I'm all misty just looking at her!

Blogger Annika said...

Delightful! And an excellent excuse for missing knitting.

Blogger WineGrrl said...

Congratulations....She is so elfin and cute. You will make a great Aunt!

Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

yay! so cute! and pink.

*le sigh*

Blogger Uccellina said...

Congratulations! Well, that explains where you were last night :-)

Blogger tk said...

she's beee-u-te-ful! congrats!

Blogger Laurie Ann said...

Hooray! Spoil her rotten.

Blogger Rabbi Brian said...

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. A beauty - a real wonderful miracle.

Blogger Allison said...

Hooray! She's absolutely adorable. I have been thinking about you and your family over the past few days. Congrats to all of you and epecially the new mom and dad!

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