I'm not a big fan of resolutions. I believe that if I want to change something, I should do it NOW. Now, now, now. On the other hand, I think the end of a year, the passing of a milestone is a good time to look back and look forward. Today, we look back.
I rented a sod cutter and
utterly failed motorcycle class. No seriously, I was actually asked to leave the class. Why, yes, it was humiliating! I also presented a couple of papers which fed my academic ego.
I did some amazing design and party planning work including the Oedipus Coronation, the

Oedipus 50th anniversary and I spent the second half of the year designing a friend's mid-century modern condo in Palm Springs. It was an awesome experience and if, when growing up I hadn't decided that I needed to be all smart and academic and shit, I might have given myself an opportunity to do design....wev.
(BTW - please don't send that into Cake Wrecks, ok? That is our patch, it's a 16 in. round cake in two layers and it was a lot of work! and it tasted like a pound of Valrhona in cake form.)
Sometime in the summer the ban on queer marriage was overturned and in November, I had the great honor to perform
Frank and his partner's wedding which was utterly fabulous! and then we had to get out the vote. While Obama did, unfortunately Prop 8 did too.
2008 was my 10th year in my book group. Unfreakinbelievable. We've read some good books, some great books and some books that if I couldn't get my money back for them, I'd have shredded them so no one else would have to suffer.
This was a year of some family health issues. Hasn't been a great year in that respect and the health problems, as they are wont to do, colored a lot of the year a fine shade of charcoal gray.
I interviewed but didn't get one really amazing job. It did, however, make me realize that there are jobs out there that use my skills without necessarily doing the same exact thing I'm doing now.

Also, in November, I became a full and voting member of Oedipus Motorcycle Club. I am the first female voting member in the 50 year history of the club and I was voted in unanimously. I am so proud to be a member and I look forward to all of the rides this year!
So that was 2008. To be followed, of course, by a look forward!
Labels: bad ass biker babe, Blogging blogs, Happy homemaker, marriage