Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Now this is the way it should be!

So I have an incredibly heartwarming and very silly story. Here it goes:

My chosen family, the Anderson clan, (Kristin, Shannon, Wes and Grant), Larry and Steve, Justin, Michael and I had a little BBQ/swim party on Sunday. As is his way, Larry traveled from Palm Springs with some dress up items, something I have known him to do since the very day I met him 13 (!) years ago. At some point before lunch, he came out of the house dressed like this. (check out the shoes!!!)

Well, we weren't shocked, to say the least but very amused and somewhat curious to see how Wes would respond (not that Wes hasn't seen this behavior before, but he's a little older now). Wes has grown up staying overnight and spending oodles of time with his Uncles Larry and Steve so it wasn't surprising in the least to hear Wes say, "You are so beautiful!" and then yell "Mom! Watch me jump in the pool!" These kids are incredible (pic below of Dad, Shannon with Wesley and Grant). Grant spent the entire day kissing the dog, Piper over and over again. These kids are so wonderful. They are going to be our future and they think their Uncle Larry, who, today, is a drag queen with a geranium on his head, is beautiful.

I think that's beautiful.
Stumble It!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovely post, Ms. Faith. Kids are so accepting. If you're nice to them, they'll be nice to you. Remember that song from "South Pacific"..."You Have to Be Carefully Taught"? These kids have wonderful teachers!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I second Ellen... lovely, loverly post!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. What they said. Beautiful. Kids definitely rock! When they have such loving people in their lives, how can they be anything less than wonderful?

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your blog reminds me that my life is much more wonderful than I often realize. I'm blessed to have my children surrounded by such loving friends.


Blogger Allison said...

I love this story. What amazing kids. And a very thought-provoking post. (Bridezilla is feeling some shame coming on...)

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