I am trying to understand the looters. I know that New Orleans has the highest rate of crime in any American city but the people looting cannot all have been criminals before this week. I understand finding food and water and batteries if you are desperate. I do not understand raiding the walmart for cameras and prescription drugs and TVs.
I am trying to come to some understanding and the only thing I can come up with is that people are so scared that they will never have anything ever again and they have lost everything that they are taking in a fit of fear and desperation without thought.
In other news...I am coming to so many conclusions in my own life. I am learning so much. My mantra for the week is to have compassion for myself.
Amazing revelation #1 - if one does not hate herself, one does not want to mistreat herself.
Amazing revelation #2 - if I have discord in a relationship with someone I love, I turn all of my attention to that until we have worked it out and there is harmony back in that relationship. I need to turn my attention to some discord I'm having with myself and start working on our relationship!!!
Amazing revelation #3 - Saying "I love me" has seemed corny and dorky and phony. From a centered place I would never see loving myself as phony and ridiculous. In fact it seems a little odd that that would even seem phony (corny - maybe...).
Anyway, where did I get all of these amazing revelations from? This book I found called...There Is Nothing Wrong With You. It is by this Buddhist monk named Cheri Huber who practices at the Zen Monastery in Northern California. I want to buy it for all of my friends who are having trouble seeing their fabulosity. I want to buy it for all the fabulous women in my support group who are all beautiful and loving. I want to buy it in bulk. I'm seriously thinking about going to a retreat at the monastery. Wanna join me?
Have a great day y'all.