We clearly have no idea what we're doing. But no one died from the pies, so pat on the back to us.
Thanks Michele!
Labels: Tzora

Labels: Tzora
Go get more at Fundamentally Flawed.Diagnosis: Internalized vajayjay dentata
November 20, 2008
“I love my dog, my car, my children, and my jaw line. Because love is the bases for marriage then I should be able to marry all those items. In fact, I can recieve dental benefits because I am in love with my teeth and we are wed in California. I can wait till i get rectile benefits for my colonoscopy every week to diminish testing HIV positive: the disease of homosexuality.”
Can somebody call Shonda Rimes? Because I can see this as a terrific storyline for a Very Special Episode of Grey’s Anatomy. Man arrives at hospital with teeth and wedding ring hopelessly lodged in own genitalia; Izzie falls in love with him and steals another patient’s dentures to keep him alive and chewing; heartfelt pop music plays; Meredith realizes that her mother always loved her own jawline more than she loved her daughter; and many, many jokes are made about “rectile dysfunction.” Seriously.
Labels: Politix, Tikkun olam, trans;
Labels: stitch n' bitch, Tikkun olam
Labels: Crafty, Happy homemaker, stitch n' bitch
Labels: marriage
Labels: Pollo Loco, prop 8, Tikkun olam
Labels: allies; politix, prop 8
Labels: prop 8; stitch n' bitch
From a comment on Eater L.A.
"Even Elton John stated and rightly so that you have the same rights under a civil union as you do under marriage. Perhaps there are some nuances-not a bid [sic] deal. Why do you want marriage so badly--why?? Why do you so badly need the approval of society[?]"I've been reading a lot of this in comments on posts about Prop 8. Usually the comments involve references to recruiting children, assholes, limp wrists and purses. This comment did, I just chose to snip those parts out. I know I'm mostly preaching to a choir here, but I have to point out that the same rights are actually not granted under a civil union. Also, the approval of society is not important. If it was, marching in the streets wouldn't be the way to get it. Conforming would be -- and no one is doing that. What queers want is not to conform but to have EQUAL RIGHTS. No more. No less.
Labels: marriage, Politix, Pollo Loco, prop 8
I love you guys, I would never do anything to hurt you, I wish I hadn't done it.So do I. But now there is a call to boycott the restaurant, which has been owned by a branch of Marjorie's family since it opened in 1931. To try to make nice, Marjorie says that she's holding "an open breakfast Wednesday at 11am to speak to the community."
Labels: marriage, Politix, prop 8, Tikkun olam
What: PROTEST & RALLY against the Mormon Temple (W. LA) Over the
Church's Backing and Financial Support of Proposition #8
When: Wednesday, November 12th
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Where: Mormon Temple (Los Angeles California Temple of the Mormon
10777 Santa Monica Blvd. @ Overland
West Los Angeles, CA 90025
Who: endH8now organizers, protesters and community leaders
CONTACT: Michael Sanchez, endH8now
Labels: City of Angels, marriage, Politix, prop 8, Tikkun olam
Developer Doug Manchester has given significant financial support to Proposition 8. Manchester’s $125,000 donation has prompted activists to boycott the Manchester Grand Hyatt, the Grand Del Mar and the Manchester-owned San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina. So far, the San Diego County retirement board and the Association of American Law Schools have canceled events at the Manchester Hyatt.
Address: 1100-H Brandywine Blvd.
Zanesville, OH 43701
Phone: 800-889-8662
Fax: 740-452-2552
Email: TNNA.info@Offinger.com
Labels: marriage, Politix, Pollo Loco, prop 8
Robert Hurtt, Orange, CA
Container Supply Company–PO Box 5367, Garden Grove, CA 92846-0367 • Tel: 714.892.8321 • Web: www.containersupplycompany.com
Robert Hurtt, President of Container Supply, gave: $25,000 on 4/18/08, $25,000 on 7/22/08 (from Container Supply), $250,000 on 9/5/08 and $250,000 on 10/17/08.
Robert Hoehn, Carlsbad, CA
Hoehn Motors–5475 Car Country Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Tel: 760.438.4454 • Web: www.hoehnmotors.com
Robert Hoehn, President of Hoehn Motors in Carlsbad, CA gave: $25,000 on 2/8/08
Hoehn Motors has 6 large car dealerships located along the 5 freeway in Northern San Diego County: Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Audi, Infiniti, Acura and Honda.
Roland Hinz, President of Hi-Torque Publications, gave: $12,500 on 4/7/08
Hi-Torque Publications is the world’s leading publisher of off-road, motorcycle and all-terrain vehicle magazines, with a readership of over 2 million per month. The magazines are:
Motocross Action, Mountain Bike Action, Dirt Bike, BMX Plus!, Dirtwheels, Road Bike Action, 4Wheel ATV Action and R/C Car
Labels: marriage
Labels: Tikkun olam
The Prop 8 amendment simply banned gay marriage, without addressing that equal protection factor.
When the United States Constitution was amended to undo a provision of itself (prohibition), it specifically negated that provision---"The eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed. "
Prop 8's wording did no such thing, so what we have here is that the California State Constitution now says two different things. It says
"(a) A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or
property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the
laws; . . . (b) A citizen or class of citizens may not be granted privileges
or immunities not granted on the same terms to all citizens." (Article I, Section 7)
which the State Supreme Court has interpreted to include marriage rights, and now with Prop 8 passing it also says
"Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California."
and I do not see anything to specify which legitimately outweighs the other; it's like two laws saying "cars must be red in color" and "cars must be green in color." There is no part of this new amendment saying "This repeals the right of equal protection under the law" or "nothing in this Constitution shall be construed to require otherwise," and thus it seems to me that the constitutional amendment is unconstitutional---and what on Earth gets done when that happens?
Labels: marriage
Labels: Politix
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